
Saturday, March 26, 2011

NCERT Doctoral Fellowships 2011

Applications are invited for the award of 10 NCERT Doctoral Fellowships in the
field of education and other disciplines directly related to education. The fellowships are intended for young aspirants to pursue doctoral work in a recognized university/ research institution of their choice. Young scholars from different disciplinary perspectives will be encouraged to enter and research the field of education.

Priority Areas

Fellowships will be given in the following priority areas emerging from the concerns expressed in NCF-2005.

1. Education of the Disadvantaged: Disadvantages of different kinds because of
belonging to scheduled and backward castes, scheduled tribes, and minority
communities, and due to gender, disability, and living in difficult circumstances.

2. Classroom Processes and Practices: Multi-grade teaching, over-crowded
schoolrooms, medium of instruction, languages used in the class, teaching-
learning process, teacher concerns, evaluation practices, disciplinary techniques,
and space and time management.

3. Curricular Areas: Teaching of science, mathematics, languages, social sciences,
arts and crafts, work and vocational education, environmental sciences, and health
and physical education.

4. Education for Peace: Conflict and its resolution in different spheres, problem of
violence, respect for cultural diversity, values for living in harmony with people
and nature, child rights, and sustainable development.

5. Psycho-social Development of Children: Development of self, relationships and
social skills, understanding and cognitive skills, communication skills, leadership,
decision making, and coping with stress.

Details of these areas and concerns are presented in the National Curriculum Framework 2005 document and reports of 21 Focus Groups. These documents are available on NCERT web site (


1. Good Academic record with at least 55% marks at the Master’s degree level.
2. Candidates should not be more than 35 years of age as on the last date of receipt
of applications.
3. Candidates registered for Ph.D. degree in a recognized university/ or working
toward their Ph.D. registration are eligible to apply.

Selection Procedure

The procedure for short listing of applicants will be designed by NCERT. Short listed candidates will be required to appear for an interview, which may also include presentation of the proposals. Candidates will be paid second (sleeper) class train fare by the shortest route for attending the interview-cum-seminar.

Reservation of Seats

The statutory provisions for reservation of seats will be available to the candidates belonging to different categories.

Fellowship Amount

NCERT Doctoral Fellows will receive a fellowship of Rs. 12,000/- per month (equivalent to UGC Junior Research Fellows) for a maximum period of three years during the period of registration. They will also receive a contingency grant of Rs. 10,000/- per annum during this period. The fellowship will commence from the date of joining by the candidate after completing the registration formalities for Ph.D. and terminate at the end of three years from the date of joining or with the submission of the doctoral thesis which ever is earlier.

Disbursement of Fellowship

The NCERT will credit the monthly fellowship to the savings bank account of the
Fellow. For this, each Fellow will be required to maintain an account with the State Bank of India. The Fellow will be required to submit a ‘Certificate o Attendance and Satisfactory Work Performance’ to NCERT on a quarterly basis. Release of the monthly fellowship from second quarter onwards will be subject to receipt of the said certificate.
Annual contingency grant to the extent of actual expenditure incurred but not more Rs.10,000/- per annum will be credited to the account of the Fellow after receipt and scrutiny of the bills/vouchers submitted by the fellow duly signed and countersigned by the supervisor and Head of the Department.

Research Advisor

NCERT will appoint a Research Advisor for each Doctoral Fellow from a Panel of Experts (both from within and outside the Council) prepared by it. The Research Advisor will work along with the thesis supervisor appointed by the University/ Research Institution where the Fellow is registered. The details of this arrangement will be worked out in consultation with the concerned universities.

Monitoring of Work

Doctoral Fellows will be required to submit six monthly progress reports duly forwarded by their supervisors/ Head of the Department and Research Advisors to NCERT. A Committee of Experts will review the progress. Also a research colloquium will be held annually where Fellows will present the progress of their research. If the progress of the research is found unsatisfactory, NCERT reserves the right to terminate the fellowship at any point of time.

Leave Rules

Leave rules as prescribed in case of UGC Junior Research Fellowship will be applicable.
Further, NCERT Doctoral Fellows will not accept any other remunerative assignment during the period of fellowship.

Publication of the Thesis

After the award of Ph.D. degree, the Doctoral Fellows will be required to submit a copy of the thesis (along with a CD) to NCERT. NCERT will consider publication of the completed research in an appropriate form. The Fellow can apply for permission to publish his/her work elsewhere.

Application Procedure

Application should be made in the prescribed format, which along with the information brochure, can be downloaded from the NCERT website or can be obtained by post.
Completed application forms should be accompanied by a concept paper of about 1500 words on the theme of the proposed research, which should contain statements about (a)rationale and objectives of the study, (b) conceptual framework, (c) proposed methodology, and (d) potential contribution of the study. Attested copies of all mark sheets/certificates and proof of Ph.D. registration (if already registered) should also be sent with the application at the following address.

Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives
National Council of Educational Research and Training
Sri Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi – 110 016.

The last date of receiving completed application is one month from the publication of the advertisement.

Application Form And Other Details 
Click Here

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