
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chapterwise Important Topics for Geography Mains(Paper I)

Paper I     Section A
S.     Chapter                                                        Topic
1   Geomorphology                        Geographical Cycle of Erosion (Davis)
                                                   Geographical Cycle of Erosion (Penck)
                                                   Continental drift Theory
                                                           Plate Tectonics
                                                   Polycyclic landforms (Short Note)
                                                   Volcanoes  (Short Note)
                                                 Earthquakes (Short Note - Also discuss P, S & L waves)
                                                 Endogenetic & Exogenetic forces & the landforms produced
                                                  Geosynclines (short Note)
                                                 Earth's Interior & Seismic Studies
                                                  Recent Views on Mountain Building
                                                  Applied Geomorphology (Short Note)
                                                 Denudation Chronology & Erosional Surfaces
                                                 Slope Development
                                                 Channel Morphology

2 Climatology                         Origin, movement & characteristics of airmasses
                                               Tropical Cyclone
                                              Temperate Cyclone
                                             Difference between Tropical & Temperate Cyclone
                                             Tricellular model of circulation
                                             Koppen Classification & its drawbacks (For India refer Sheet 3)
                                             Thornthwaite (1948 scheme) - (For India refer Sheet 3)
                                             Trewartha's Classification - (For India refer Sheet 3 in excel)
                                             Jet Streams  (Short Note)
                                             Structure & Composition of Earth's Atmosphere
                                             Temperature Inversion (Short Note)
                                             Global Warming & its effects at different places
                                             Hydrological cycle (Short Note)
                                             Types & Distribution of Precipitation
                                             Atmospheric Stability & Instability
                                             Applied Climatology
                                              Urban Climate
                                             Global Climate Change. Role & response of man
                                              Heat Budget of the Earth

3 Oceanography                     Coral Reefs - theories of coral reef formation
                                               Coral Bleaching
                                               Ocean Currents in the Atlantic
                                               Cursory Look at currents of Pacific & Indian Ocean
                                               Ocean Deposits (Terrigenous & Pelagic deposits)
                                               Temperature distribution in Oceans (Short Note)
                                                Law of the Sea (Short Note)
                                                 Marine Pollution
                                                 Marine Resources - Biotic, Mineral & Energy

4 Biogeography                        Soil & Its Introduction (Esp Factors Forming Soil  Profile)
                                                Soil Profile & Its Genesis
                                                Old System of Soil Classification
                                                New System of Classification
                                                Major biotic regions of the world & basis for division
                                               Social Forestry (Short Note)
                                                Agro Forestry (Short Note)
                                                Soil Erosion
                                                Soil Conservation
                                                Soil Degradation (Include Salinity, waterlogging, desertification etc)
                                               Wildlife (Short Note)
                                                Major Gene Pool Centers

5 Environmental Geography         Ecosystem - Concept, components & functioning (Most Imp)
                                                   Biodiversity (short note)
                                                  Environmental Pollution (Including Ozone Depletion)
                                                  Environment Pollution (Water, Solid, Radioactive, Noise)
                                                  Environmental Degradation
                                                  Environment  Policy & Legislation
                                                  Influence of Man on Ecology & Environment

Paper I     Section B
S.       Chapter                                              Topic
1  Perspectives in Human Geography
                                                           Quantitative Revolution in geography
                                                            Radical Approach
                                                            Humanistic Approach
                                                           Welfare Approach (short note)
                                                            Behavioural approach
                                                            Determinism (including Neo-determinism)
                                                           Areal Differentiation (short note)
                                                           Regional Synthesis (short Note)
                                                           Cultural Regions of the world (short Note)

2 Economic Geography                      World agriculture - Typology of agricultural regions (Whittlesey)
                                                          Limits to growth 7 (Short Note)
                                                         Dryland Farming (short note - Give Global Perspective in Paper I)
                                                          Land Capability (short note - Give Global Perspective)
                                                          Resource conservation & Management

3 Population & Settlement Geography
                                                          Causes & Consequence of Migration (Dig on Page 52 -Ensemble)
                                                           Internal Structure of cities
                                                           Primate City (Short Note)
                                                            Rank Size Rule (Short Note)
                                                           Rural Urban Fringe (Short Note)
                                                          Concept of optimum population (Short Note)
                                                           Sphere of Urban Influence & Its delimitation
                                                          Satellite Town (Short Note)

4 Regional Planning                       Concept of a region & types of region & Methods of Regionalization
                                                       Regional Imbalance & how to correct it. (Global not Indian)
                                                       Sustainable development
                                                       Growth Centre & growth poles.

5Models, Theories &
Laws in Human Geo.    
                  System Analysis in human geography
                                                      Malthusian, Marxian & Demographic transition theory
                                                      Central Place theory of Christaller
                                                      Losch's Central Place Theory
                                                     Von Thunen Model of agricultural location
                                                     Weber's Model of Industrial Location
                                                      Rostov's model of stages of growth
                                                     Heartland Concept (Diagram Must)
                                                     Rimland Concept (Diagram Must)
                                                     Frontiers & Boundaries
                                                    Laws of International Boundaries

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